MSP News

Overcome Manufacturing Challenges With MSP’s Webinar and Seminar Series

MSP are pleased to announce the launch of their Webinar and Seminar series. One Webinar a month will take place from March – May (three Webinars in total), leading up to a Technical Seminar at the Renishaw Innovation Centre (Gloucestershire) on 5th June.

Hosted through Webex, the first Webinar will take place on 6th March at 14:00 (GMT). The following two Webinars will be held at the same time on 2nd April and 1st May.

During these sessions, the manufacturing technology company aim to address challenges within the industry and share their expertise to explain what can be done to solve them.

Booking is now open for Webinar 1. This session will focus on understanding your machine and it’s capabilities. In particular, it will answer the following questions:
  • I've corrected my machine’s 5 Axis geometric performance, why do my parts still have errors?
  • My machine has passed its service, why has my part quality not improved?
  • I’ve had a bump on my machine, how do I know if it is still usable or within tolerance?
  • Why am I getting part variation between different machines?
  • Why do I need to service my machine if it’s still producing good parts?

To learn more about the series and register your interest for the other events, head to MSP’s events page.

MSP Technical Director, Peter Hammond, comments:

“Throughout our 17 year history, we have solved many common and complex manufacturing problems and, as a result, have gained a huge amount of knowledge on how to achieve precision within the industry. These technical sessions are a great platform for us to share this expertise and help other members of the industry achieve error-free manufacturing processes”.