MSP News

MSP’s Technical Director speaks at Composite Innovation 2018


Technical Director of metrology software products ltd (MSP), Peter Hammond, was invited to speak at Composites Innovation this week, to talk about how MSP’s software can help create error-free machining processes in the composite industry.

Composites Innovation 2018, hosted by NetComposites, was a two day event starting on the 20th June at the Nottingham Conference Centre. The focus for 2018 was ‘Advances in Automation’, showcasing emerging innovative technologies and highlighting efficient solutions designed to solve the many challenges facing the industry.

Peter’s presentation focused on the challenges when machining composites and how MSP’s software, NC-Checker and NC-PerfectPart can solve them. In particular, Peter went into detail about how they work to identify and remove manual elements in the process to eliminate errors, and ultimately, huge time delays, part concessions or scrapped parts.

Commenting on the event, Peter said: “I am delighted to have had the opportunity to speak at Composites Innovation 2018. This year’s focus has shown that automation is key for the future of composite manufacturing and it is great to highlight how MSP can help achieve this.”

During both days, hundreds of delegates listened to a range of companies, including Plataine, Cevotec and Coriolis Composites, talk about a variety of solutions for the automation of the composite industry. Attendees also had the chance to network with exhibitors, including Composites UK and the AMRC.