MSP News

MSP inspire future generation of software engineers at Northern Power Futures event


Tony Brown, MSP Commercial Director, has been speaking about the ever-changing manufacturing industry and it's future at an event designed to inspire the North East workforce.

Tony was invited to speak on a panel at Northern Power Futures, a two day festival in Newcastle, organised by Northern Power Women founder, Simone Roche MBE. The event hosted a variety of sessions, including interactive workshops, speaker events and practical panels looking to inspire and 'super power' delegates towards a greater working life and career in the North.

Tony was on the 'Future of Making Things' panel, looking to explore how manufacturing is evolving and the impact it has on people, places and work. Hosted by Ian Green, Senior Controller / Section Manager at Nissan, Tony was joined on the panel by Jane Langton, Press Engineer at Nissan and Emma Clement of Urban Foresight.

During the session, Tony spoke about his own experience within the manufacturing industry and the area MSP work in, using examples of their customers to demonstrate this. He explained why software engineers are vital for moving the industry forward and how MSP caters for young people wanting to embark on this career. He also touched on what opportunities are available for women within the sector and the importance of raising awareness of these.

Tony said after the event:

"Our software is revolutionising the manufacturing industry - it has saved BAE Systems £21 million, saved one Formula 1 team 9.5 hours in setup time for each part and is present all over the world. We change the way the world make parts and it wouldn't be possible without our team of software engineers. I hope I have demonstrated the significant impact engineers can have on the future of manufacturing and inspired people to think about a career within the industry."