MSP News

Great Exhibition of the North: MSP Director speaks at Emerging Tech Event


Marianne Whitfield, Director of Development at metrology software products ltd, spoke at The Great Exhibition of the North’s latest ‘Emerging Tech’ event this week. Held at the Northern Design Centre in Gateshead, ‘Emerging Tech in Advanced Manufacturing’, explored how upcoming innovations are revolutionising the industry and creating more efficient, smarter processes.

Presenting alongside a range of other speakers including the AMRC and Animmersion, Marianne discussed the challenges facing the manufacturing industry and explored how MSP can help solve them. In particular, Marianne gave attendees an insight into how their software NC-Checker and NC-PerfectPart automate manufacturing processes, removing errors and producing perfect parts.

She then touched on MSP’s next innovation for the industry; AutoClock. This revolutionary device is the first product in history which makes it possible to fully automate manufacturing processes from start to finish.

Speaking after the event, Marianne commented: “This ‘Emerging Tech’ event has been an excellent opportunity to highlight the innovative work going on to improve the manufacturing industry. There are many traditional methods still present within many processes, significantly increasing the chance for errors to arise and adversely affect parts. Companies need to innovate to stay ahead and that’s where our products at MSP come in.”

‘Emerging Tech in Advanced Manufacturing’ is the second part in a four part series of Emerging Tech events taking place during The Great Exhibition of the North. These events are designed to explore how emerging technology is unlocking a new era of rapid transformation.

The Great Exhibition of the North, the UK’s biggest event in 2018, is an 80 day celebration taking place at various venues across Newcastle and Gateshead. Exhibitions, performances and activities have been taking place since the 22nd of June, celebrating the best of the North’s art, design and innovations.