MSP News

Company Round Up – January 2023

We take a look at key events and stories that happened at MSP in the month of January.

We made the Shortlist for The Engineer Awards!


We’ve been shortlisted in the Manufacturing Technology category at The Engineer ‘Collaborate to Innovate’ Awards.

This award recognises the collaboration between MSP, Renishaw and RLS on AutoClock – the first product to provide an automated solution to the last manual element of the CNC machining process: probe setup and calibration.

Without the collaboration between our three companies, this would not be possible! Read the full story behind AutoClock here.

The winners will be announced on 23rd February at an awards ceremony in London.

A UCCserver trip to Renishaw


Alex and Jack, both software engineers in the team that work on UCCserver, went to Renishaw this month to gain more insight into how the product is used from a testing and consumer perspective.

MSP built and now develop and maintain UCCServer, helping Renishaw's customers to drive their CMMs in the most effective ways possible.

During this trip, Alex and Jack had many successful development meetings, observed interesting product demos and had a chance to finally meet other team members face-to-face. Of course the main highlight though was meeting Gromitronic!

AFRC Tier 2 Members Event


Our Director of Operations, Margaret, and Installations Manager, Chloe, went to the Advanced Forming Research Centre’s first in-person event for Tier 2 Members in over 3 years this month.

They had a full day of presentations, tours and networking and, with over 70 representatives from 40 member companies in attendance, they found it was an excellent opportunity to talk to and learn from the Tier 1 and other Tier 2 members.

MSP has been an AFRC Tier 2 member since 2019, with our metrology products being integrated across all existing machine tools, where it is used for automation, performance checking, datum setting and in-process measurements.

For more information about our Tier 2 membership, read this piece here.

Promoting careers in STEM


We took part in our local high school’s latest Employer Event this month to highlight what sort of jobs are on offer in manufacturing and engineering.

The event at The Duchess’s Community High School gave Year 6 students from the local primary schools an insight into the range of careers on offer to encourage them to develop broad horizons and aspirations. As part of the Careers Fair Carousel, MSP’s Alex and Andy talked to students about the different paths within the manufacturing industry and their respective roles as a Software Developer and Engineer.

It was a fantastic event - we’re always proud to support early career development and promote the various STEM careers on offer!


Meet Mitchel!


Mitchel joined us this month on a 9-month placement as part of his Computer Science degree at Northumbria University. He spent the first half of the year studying in America at The College of New Jersey and now this placement will help him build on his programming skills and adapt his knowledge for the world of industry.

He’s spent his first few weeks learning about metrology, getting familiar with the MSP codebase and has also been down to Newcastle College to learn about the principles of CNC machining.

He says: “It’s been great so far! There's been a steep learning curve as I knew almost nothing about metrology or CNC machining but I'm getting there now and starting to settle in!”.