MSP News

MSP at Advanced Engineering 2017


The chance to head out and meet customers is always a calendar highlight. That’s why we’re regulars at the Advanced Engineering Exhibition in Birmingham – the 2017 event on 1-2 November was our seventh attendance in a row.

It was also our most successful attendance yet.

Meeting the challenge

With 15,000 visitors, 700 exhibitors, and 200 conference sessions, Advanced Engineering 2017 was a celebration of the most exciting things happening in the industry right now. As usual, it attracted engineering experts from across the country keen to learn about the latest products and solutions.

For us, it was a chance to share what we’re working on, and to get feedback from you, our customers, on the problems and projects we can turn our expertise to next.

It was also a chance to connect with other industry experts, to share experiences and exchange perspectives – a vital part of moving our expertise and our industry forward.


Peter Hammond, Margaret Toberty and Tony Brown at Advanced Engineering 2017

Didn't attend? Here’s what you missed

As ever, the show provided a great platform for updating customers on the new features we’ve added in our latest product releases. For more information on NC-Checker and NC-PerfectPart, visit their respective product pages.

We had plenty to talk about away from our technology too, as we launched our brand new website on the show’s first day.

This refreshed online presence shares the benefits of our products and services more clearly than ever – and makes it easier for you to find the information you need.

Eyes on the future

Fresh from the success of this year’s show, we’ve already booked our space at Advanced Engineering 2018.

We hope to see you there.