MSP Insights

Engineer Trip to Singapore


One of our applications engineers, Aidan, recently spent a fortnight in Singapore. He was supporting one of our multi-national customers (a subsidiary of UTC). The aim of this trip was to upgrade the existing two machines already operating with our NC-PerfectPart software, and increase functionality by making a new installation of the software on a recently commissioned machine tool.

Following the machine upgrades, our customer found their process time had been cut by 12.5% meaning their production could increase by around 45 parts per month. This is excellent news for both our customer and MSP; there is nothing more rewarding than witnessing the gains from our software first hand!

During his time in Singapore, Aidan was able to enjoy a weekend sight-seeing and exploring Singapore. He enjoyed walking and climbing, and even took the time to walk around the somewhat quiet F1 circuit! On his return to the UK, Aidan volunteered himself immediately for the next trip out to Singapore as he had enjoyed many luxuries and customs.